Actualidad RCNT

The Real Club Náutico has been awarded for the second time, the " Hempel Award for QUALITY AND SERVICE IN THE MARINE"

Germain Soler, President of the RCNT, received the Hempel Award XI. This is the second time the RCNT is winning this prestigious award linked to the marine industry and boating. The objective of this distinction, which this year was an important financial support, is to reward the work of the yacht clubs and marinas in Spain.
Hempel Paints, one of the leading companies in the manufacture of protective coatings, has awarded its prestigious “HEMPEL Award ” to the Real Club Náutico of Torrevieja in the framework of the Barcelona Boat Show.
The aim of the annual award, in its eleventh edition, is to reward the work of the same for everything related to the sea and those who, somehow, both professionally and as a hobby and sport, are linked with it.
In the current edition, there were 11 participants who provided several interesting proposals regarding improvement projects in their respective clubs raised for 2012.
The evaluation of candidates by a jury was closely linked to the world of sailing, quite independent from the organizing company.
To select the best Spanish yacht club or marina is valued on essential requirements of the following criteria of quality and service:
• Facilities.
• Services.
• Sports activities.
• Social activities.
• Communication with the public, member and abroad
• Courses and conferences.
• Advice
• Training of personnel.
• Environmental Achievements, etc.
In this edition, some of the factors highlighted for the election of the Real Club Náutico of Torrevieja was their intention to invest the amount of the price into works to improve accessibility in the action plan for maintenance of Tourist Quality Q, construction of an elevator in the main entrance for the disabled, signs at all facilities for the blind, the adequacy of a wharf for shipping people with disabilities and the commissioning of a project for an internal lift to all floors of the headquarters.
And with this award, the jury wanted to reward the continued efforts of the Real Club Náutico of Torrevieja to reduce the impact on the environment, the variety of activities for members and especially for young people. In short, the desire to promote sports.
Hempel Award, which after 11 years of existence has evolved and entrenched, always wanted to be a recognition of the good work of individuals, companies and organizations dedicated to the world of sailing. In this way, the company Hempel want to give a public and official recognition to the effort that national clubs and marinas throughout the year dedicated to the benefit of its members and the service of the Spanish coast.



En el RCNT

XI Open Internacional de pesca a dúos 

Un Día de Verano
en el Club

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