Actualidad RCNT

Presented the Ist International Open of Coastal Rowing

This morning, in the Plenary Hall of the Torrevieja Townhall, has taken place the presentation of the I International Open of Coastal Rowing of the RCN Torrevieja.
The event has been presided by Luis María Pizana, Councillor of Sports, Luis María Urdaiz, Vicepresident of the Spanish Federation of Rowing, Juan Bautista Romero, President of the Valencian Federation of Rowing, and Germán Soler, President of the Real Club Náutico Torrevieja.
The Open, which will be held between the 4th and 6th of October, is the I Open organized by the RCNT in this modality, perfect for the waters of Torrevieja, which nowadays is at its peak and where we already have a World Champion, Lars Gumprecht.
During the Championship, we will have the oportunity to see  the best rowers coming from both different parts of Spain and the rest of Europe.
After the presentation, the authorities have visited the race course where the competition will take place, perfect area for its development.


En el RCNT

XI Open Internacional de pesca a dúos 

Un Día de Verano
en el Club

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