Actualidad RCNT

Carmen Perez Vila proclaimed Women most Promising Sportsman in Torrevieja Sports Gala XIX.

In the sports festival of Torrevieja, the Royal Sailing Club was prominent through the work, effort and success of the athletes of their rowing, sailing and cruising teams. Of the fifty-four candidates for the awards, our club was represented by eight nominees: best sports coach: Miguel Angel Sanchez (rowing) and Sergio Garcia Torregrosa (sailing), best promising female athlete: Isabel Wandosell (sailing) and Carmen Villa (rowing), best promising male athletes: Viente Ortuño (sailing) and Daniel Marco Chazarra (rowing); Lars Gumprecht absolute best athlete (rowing) and Francisco Martinez Torregrosa (sailing). All received commemorative praise and are deserving of the highest esteem, but Carmen Perez Vila, compared to thirteen other candidates, won the trophy for Best Promising Female Athlete, and received the award from Daniel Plaza, Councillor Sports of Torrevieja.
Also special mentions were awarded by the jury to RCNT athletes who excelled in their various disciplines: Ascension Roca de Togores and Jesús Rogel Sánchez, Section Sailing and Veteran Male Rowing Team..



En el RCNT

XI Open Internacional de pesca a dúos 

Un Día de Verano
en el Club